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    You may define up   to  200 different areas,  each with it's
    own attributes  and  security requirements.

    Firstly,  give the area a name.  This should be a meaningful
    description  of  its  content,   for  example  "IBM  Users",
    "Cooking",   or  "Entertainment".  Avoid  using  names  like
    "Message Area 1".  If you wish to "delete" the message area,
    simply set the area name to nothing.

    Each area can be one of three TYPES.  LOCAL,  if the message
    area is available on your BBS only,  or if you are in a mail
    network such as FidoNet,  ECHOMAIL or NETMAIL.  These latter
    two  types  are explained more fully in the MAIL  NETWORKING
    section. If you are not part of a mail network, set the type
    to LOCAL.

    MESSAGE STATUS controls the types of messages that users are
    allowed to post in the area.  You have the choice of PRIVATE
    desirable   to  allow  only  public  messages   in   general
    discussion  areas,  or likewise private only in user-to-user
    message  areas to ensure that all messages in that area  may
    be read only by the sender or the recipient of the  message.
    Message  areas  marked as READ ONLY may only  have  messages
    posted  in  them by the sysop.  This is useful  for,  say  a
    general announcement area.

    Each message  area  may be  configured  via the  USER  NAMES
    option, to  allow users  to  post messages  with real  names
    only,   handles  only   (this   is   the  user's   permanent
    "registered" handle),  or with an  alias which the  user may
    select at the time the message  is posted. RemoteAccess will
    not allow the use of the alias "Sysop".

    The  next three options are used by RAMSG,  the message-base
    maintenance  utility.  In  order to keep the  size  of  your
    message-base   files  down  to  a  reasonable  level  it  is
    necessary to regularly delete "old" messages. You should set
    these  options according to the requirements of  each  area.

    For  further details,  see  the section  on maintaining  the
    message database files.

    For  example,  if the area is high-traffic,  by setting DAYS
    UNTIL  OLD MESSAGES ARE KILLED to 7,  RAMSG will delete  any
    message  in that area that is over a week old.  You can  use
    these  options  in combination.  By setting DAYS  UNTIL  OLD
    200,  RAMSG  will  delete any message in that area which  is
    either  over 14 days old as well as the oldest  messages  in
    the  area  until there are only 200 messages  left.  If  the
    message  area is important,  say user-to-user private  mail,
    you  can  instruct RAMSG to delete only messages which  have
    already been received that are a certain number of days  old

    The default action for an EchoMail message area is to append
    an  origin line (see the section on MAIL NETWORKING for more
    on this) to each  outgoing message. This may be  disabled by
    setting the APPEND ECHOMAIL INFO flag to "No".

    The ALLOW COMBINED ACCESS  flag determines whether users may
    select  the current message  area as part  of their combined
    message area configuration.

    RemoteAccess  provides an extremely  powerful facility which
    allows users to  attach one or more files to a message. This
    means  that users  can send  each other files  privately. To
    enable this option,  set ALLOW FILE ATTACHES  to "Yes". Also
    ensure that the FILE ATTACH PATH  in the OTHER/PATHS submenu
    points  to a  directory  which exists.  When a  user uploads
    files with a message,  RemoteAccess creates a uniquely named
    subdirectory in this directory,  and places all the attached
    files in  it. After the  recipient has received  the message
    and  confirmed that he/she  received all the  files, all the
    files  and the  directory are deleted.  {+} This  feature is
    only available in the registered version.

    The  AKA  ADDRESS  and  ORIGIN LINE  options  are  used  for
    EchoMail type areas.  You can set different origin lines for
    each area,  along with any one of your network addresses, to
    be  appended  to the end of messages that are posted in  the
    area. If no origin line is specified, then RemoteAccess will
    use  the  origin  line defined in the  DEFAULT  ORIGIN  LINE

    Access to the message area is controlled by READ,  WRITE and
    SYSOP security levels and access flags. Read Security is the
    minimum security level the user needs to be allowed to  read
    messages in each message area. Likewise, message posting and
    replying  is only permitted if the user's security level  is
    equal  to or higher than the Write Security  setting.  SYSOP
    security access permits reading of all messages in the area,
    even if they are private and addressed to another user. This
    is useful  for  message  areas  which  are  run by assistant
    sysops and the like, so they can check messages for suitable
    content  and  delete off-topic ones.  A full  discussion  on
    security can be found in the SECURITY section.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson